As you may have already noticed, Chobots is currently unavailable and you can't connect to the game. We're experiencing a brief service outage.
As our Developers work to resolve this issue we expect the game to be back up within the next few hours. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. Thank you! - Yanana3
Hey chobots!I have terrible news.Chobots is going to be closing on the 31st due to corrupt staff, lack of developers and no designers and the hacks they don't know how to fix. Directors treat their staff like dirt and are hoarding over $35,000 in funds for themselves instead of trying to fix the problem. It's time to leave, warn others.Im going to miss all of you!I hope you guys had a great time in chobots! -Yanana3
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Hey there chobotsThe winners are:
skater: 3000 bugs, 5 days of Citizenship
xxlegendxx: 2000 bugs, 4 days of Citizenship
keyslie: 1000 bugs, 3 days of Citizenship
Well played, guys! If you didn't make it up to the top 3, don't worry - there will be many other chances for you in the future. -Yanana3
hey chobots dont for get that tomorrow is going to be a party!Hope you come!Wish you a lucky day!