Samantha's story
BY: Yanana3
FOR:ALL my friends on chobots
One time lived a girl named Samantha.She has always wanted to meet her grandfather but he lives far away from her.That was her dream was to meet her grandfather.But one day her parents had a discusion in the kitchen.Samantha wanted to know what it was and started to worry.She didn't know what it was.Samantha saw her mother and father coming towards Samantha.Her mother said,"Samantha today we will need to pack up because we are going to your grandfather's house!" Samantha was so relieved!She knew that her wish might have come true and it would.The next day she was so excited she woke up at 5:00 AM she woke her mother and father up and her mother was so happy cause thats the right time they had to wake up.Samantha packed her things and they were all ready.After that they drove to the "Sentural Airport Station" Samantha saw air planes flying off,and lots and lots of passengers.They gave them they're passports and sat in the airplane.Samantha was pretty scared riding on an airplane cause its her first time.Samantha worried if they might get into an airplane crash or get hit by lightning.1 hour has passed and they were ready for lift off!The captains shouted out,"3, 2 , 1 LIFT OFF!" And Samantha wasn't really that scared cause all the other passengers were relaxing and trying to rest and Samantha tried copying them.A little later Samantha fell asleep.Samantha heard something strange.She heard lightning about to crash the plane!She started to worry like the others.Samantha just reconised that her parents were gone.Samantha started to make tear drops out of her eyes.Finally, Samantha saw her parents running to her they grabbed her hand and gave Samantha a back pack and they jumped off the airplane and lifted off they're para shoots.Samantha screamed as loud has she could and they landed off on China.Samantha saw that the airplane callapsing in the area.She felt so sad for the passengers.Her parents told her,"Samantha,your grandfather lives here!" Samantha walked to her grandfathers house and said,:"GRANDFATHER!IM SO HAPPY TO SEE YOU!"
Then Samantha's grandfather said,"Oh look how beautiful you are!" A little later Samantha layed down on grandfather's bed and she saw a chobot.Samantha was in shock.The chobot said,"good evening Samantha!Would you like to see our chobots world?"Samantha said" Yes!" the chobot opened a portal and Samantha jumped in the portal and saw,Sorry,Bluezorogirl,Bluewonder,jake,zoo,and all the others!
Samantha said, "Hello everyone" but a chobot came up to her said,"you dont look like a chobot?"Samantha said,"I know im just visiting!" Samantha hanged out with her friends she made in chobots world and she explored the whole entire world of chobots.She made moderator friends and citizen friends and non citizen friends.Samantha thought that her mother and father were worrying about her but a chobot told her that the whole world of yours has paused.Samantha can stay here as long as she wanted to.But the chobots warned her about the nichos.So Samantha bought some new awsome clothes for some of the chobots!Samantha enjoyed staying in chobots world and came back home safely.